My daily webs

Apart from the obvious gmail and facebook, there are quite a few sites I can't live without...
* imgfave - with one click on my tool bar, I can save any image from any website to my profile on imgfave. It's my online mood board.
* grooveshark - one of many online jukeboxes on which you can look for your favourite artists and create playlists.
* spectives - a visual rss-reader
* etsy - not just for my onw miss moussetache shop but for all the amazing, unique pieces you can find on it.
* go web 2.0 - if I am looking for an online tool I don't know, chances are huge it will be listed on here.
* guardian - my favourite grown-up people news source
* slashdot - it's their tagline 'news for nerds', I love wearing my glasses and reading slashdot
* instructables - inspiration haven. Learn how to build a treehouse, launch a homemade missile and mod a polaroid camera into a normal one
I love internet.
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